Monday, 21 July 2014

With 11 Million Daily Users, Mail Online Stays on Top

ABC figures have proved the continuing popularity of the Mail Online, as Webwindows has learned it received 11 million visitors per day in May.

Webwindows Will Help You Craft a Killer Web Marketing Strategy

Are you looking for a web marketing firm with a range of key service offered by no other agency? If so, Webwindows – the web marketing expert – is here to help you craft a killer web marketing strategy, sure to lift your bottom line.
We’ve been in this game – offering web marketing expertise to businesses big and small – for over a decade now. We’ve increasingly learned that if you want your web advertising strategy to pack the most punch, you need to advertise on a site that attracts attention.

How Many People are visiting the Mail Online?

And the platform that attracts the most attention continues to be the Mail Online. ABC figures for May have revealed that whilst all major UK newspapers racked up year-on-year growth, the Mail Online continued its streak as most popular online news source.

The figures revealed that the platform racked up 11 million users user’s per day, only slightly down from its best ever performance in January 2014.  In that month, 11.8 million people used the website per day. Furthermore, figures show that back in April, 4.7 million unique browsers in the UK visited the site per day. A total of 6.3 million more, did so from the rest of the world.

Which Other UK Newspaper Sites Are Racking Up More Users?

Meanwhile, figures showed that the title of UK’s fastest growing newspaper site went to Metro. The site registered a rise of 204% year-on-year to reach 1.2 million users every day. This comes following news from Metro, released last March, suggesting its website wold be merged with the Mail Online. This hasn’t happened yet.
Meanwhile, the honour of second fastest growing national newspaper site was handed to The Mirror. It racked up an increase of 97.5% year-on-year, meaning that that it now receives 2.5 million unique browsers every day. Experts have suggested that this rise could have originated from the fact that since August 2013, The Sun, its main competitor, has been behind a paywall.

Online News Sites Are More Popular Than Ever

What these figures should show you, in Webwindows opinion, is the growing power of online news sites. Across the board, they are racking up more visitors by the day, meaning they are more effective than ever, as forums to use for your online advertising strategy. 

Tuesday, 15 July 2014

When It Goes Wrong On Twitter, It Goes REALLY Wrong

If you learned anything from Brazil’s epic thrashing in the world cup last week, Webwindows suggests it be, when it goes wrong on Twitter, it goes really wrong.

Webwindows Watched in Shock as Germany Annihilated the Home Team

Webwindows is a web marketing firm which offers a range of key services that make sure you walk away with the right marketing strategy for your business. Part of that job description means we follow current events with a dedication you could only call single-minded
Just like the rest of the world, we watched with a sense of disbelief, when Germany thrashed Brazil 7-1 in the world cup semi-final last week. It was quite simply a car crash of epic proportions, and of course, it all blew up on Twitter.

The Match Racked Up a Record 35.6 Million Tweets

Let this be a lesson in how Twitter reacts when you fail at what you do. According to the Guardian, following Brazil’s fierce beating by the German team, Tweeters took to the social media site in their millions to weigh in on the most shocking result ever witnessed in the world of football. The match was the most discussed sporting event ever on Twitter- it racked up a phenomenal 35.6 million Tweets.
Twitter wasn’t the only social media site users chose to air their disbelief, though, as it triggered the highest level of conversation EVER seen on Facebook for any World Cup game (as of the time of writing). Specifically, more than 66 million users had 200 million interactions about the biggest humiliation in Brazil’s football history; Brazil dominated over a quarter of that global conversation on the site.

More Popular Than Miley Cyrus, Beyoncé and Barack Obama

It gets even worse for Brazil though, as data from Twitter went on to reveal that because of the rate that Germany was scoring goals - five goals in an astonishing 18 minutes – the match racked up a record number of tweets per minute. The peak came when Sami Khedira racked up Germany’s fifth (we still can’t believe it) goal – which saw 580,166 tweets posted per minute.
This means that Khedira’s goal was more popular than Miley Cyrus’ infamous MTV VMA’s performance last year- which crested 360,000 tweets per minute, BeyoncĂ©’s 2013 Super Bowl halftime show (268,000) and US President Barack Obama’s Democratic National Convention acceptance speech, which topped at 52, 756 tweets per minute.

Twitter Can Make or Break You!

If you learn anything from this, it should be that when it comes to online marketing, Twitter can make or break you. If you epically screw up, you can be sure that within a few seconds, the whole world will know about it and, all of a sudden, all that effort you’ve put into your web marketing strategy means nothing at all. 

Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Don’t Let People Ask you Anything on Twitter!

If you want to craft an effective social media advertising strategy, WebWindows suggests you learn from Robin Thicke’s mistake and don’t give people license to ask you anything!

Welcome to WebWindows

Over the past ten years, WebWindows has evolved to become one of the leading web marketing firms in the industry, offering our unique range of key services to businesses of every size, to ensure that they walk away from us with the effective web marketing strategy they need to take their business to the next level.

Of course, we’ve stood on the front lines and witnessed the rise of social media. In the modern wold, where hundreds of millions, even billions, are on Facebook and Twitter, and where the nature of these sites allow you to target your audience with pin point precession, marketing has never been easier. But only if you do it right.

He Really Blurred the Lines

You may wonder why we’re turning our attention to Robin Thicke. The man’s an American pop star, and until recently he wasn’t exactly a very famous one. What could we all possibly learn from him?

Well quite a lot. Thicke reached worldwide fame last year when he released his song ‘Blurred Lines.’ Dealing with controversial issues (i.e. date rape), it was condemned by practically everybody, with Thicke becoming, according to various news sources, the ‘poster boy of misogyny.’ But what does it have to do with your online marketing campaign?

‘#AskThicke’…. Why He’s a Monumental Misogynist!

Last week Thicke went ahead with his latest online promotional campaign. The problem, was that the campaign was billed as a chance to ask Thicke anything on Twitter with the hashtag ‘#AskThicke.’

Obviously, people who see him as the ‘poster boy of misogyny’ ripped him apart. According to The Independent, particularly negative tweets included “if one of your songs played in a forest and no one was around to hear it would it still be sexist and gross?,” and "when you're not busy objectifying women, making light of rape and justifying sexual violence, how do you like to relax?” They’re only the tip of the iceberg.

Ask Anything Q&A’s Are Horrible Ideas!

This isn’t the first time WebWindows has seen an ‘ask anything’ twitter Q&A session go horrifically wrong. We don’t know why people are still doing it, but if you are, don’t! You will leave yourself open to trolls, just accept that and move on!

Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Take a Cue from the Blair Witch Project and Get Creative!

WebWindows suggests that when you’re putting together your web marketing campaign you take your cue from the Blair Witch Project and get creative!

WebWindows: Home of Effective Creative Web Marketing

WebWindows is the home of effective, creative web marketing. Over the past decade we have helped craft first rate web marketing strategies for businesses of all sizes with our unique range of key services.

If we’ve learned anything in those ten years it’s that if you want your web marketing strategy to be effective, it needs to capture people’s attention. Boring ads often go unnoticed, as such, proving ineffective, which is why you need to get creative!

 We All Remember the Blair Witch Project

If you want an example of how to do creative marketing right, look at the Blair Witch Project; often regarded by industry experts as the first ever ‘viral’ online marketing campaign.

Of course, they had far less to work with than you do. A film shot in the days before YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, and with a scant budget of $22,000, it ended up reaping a colossal $250 million in revenue, thanks in no small part to a killer online marketing campaign.

They Created the Legend of the Blair Witch
Essentially, the Blair Witch Project’s advertising team got unbelievably creative. Through an incredible combination of “found footage,” cleverly planted rumours on online message boards (it was the late 90’s), and the initiation of a low budget ad campaign, they created a legend. That legend made people curious and brought them to the box office.

It was absolute genius. They managed to craft one of the most memorable online marketing campaigns in history, and they did it by thinking of their product, thinking about its unique selling point and using that through the power of the internet to build unprecedented hype.

WebWindows Suggests You Think outside the Box

That’s why you should take your cue from the Blair Witch Project when crafting your web marketing campaign. They taught the world that it doesn’t matter what you have to work with, as long as you think outside the box!