Thursday, 29 May 2014

Mail Online Pulls in Record Revenue

The clear advantages of including the Daily Mail in your advertising strategy became more apparent than ever this month, as the publication reported that its online platform, the Mail Online, pulled in record revenue for the first half of 2014.

Daily Mail and Online: The Best of Both:

Data has further proved in recent months that there are significant benefits to advertising online. The Internet Advertising Bureau (IAB) has found that not only are UK homes set to spend over £4,000 a year on average on the internet this year, but that the internet accounts for a larger share of ad spend in this country every year and that tablet use is growing by significant amounts, illustrating how the platforms people are using to access the world wide web are diversifying all the time.

It’s also important to note here the power of newspaper advertising; it creates a relationship with the reader based on trust, which in turns prompts them to trust the products it chooses to advertise. When you consider that a bare minimum of 4 million people read the Daily Mail every single day, you quickly see why it’s such an effective publication to advertise with.

£28 Million in Half Year Revenue Recorded by Mail Online

This would lead you to believe that an advertising campaign, such as the Mail Online, that enables you to take advantage of the benefits of both for less of an investment, would not only slim down the cost of that advertising strategy, but would provide heightened consumer exposure to said strategy. You would be right.
The latest figures from DMG Media (which includes the Mail Online) revealed that they saw a rise of 39% in operating profit in the first half of 2014, to £50 million. Specifically, DMG found that total revenue generated by the Mail Online rose by £8 million year-on-year to £28 million.

Figures further illustrated that the Mail Online recorded a readership rise of 39.3% last month to hit 10.9 million international readers daily. They also revealed that the Mail online had 180 million global readers in March, with daily averages measuring around 11.3 million. The company has since pointed out that growth in online advertising has offset a 4% decline in its print revenue and 3% decline in circulation revenue.

Webwindows Comments on the Effectiveness of the Mail Online

Considering the fact that advertising contributes the maximum to Mail Online revenue and the clear popularity of the medium, at WebWindows it is clearer than ever that the platform can bring major interest to your ad campaign. It’s effective and efficient, which allows you to diversify your ad campaign in other areas to reach a larger share of your target audience than ever before.

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